Source code for iCount.files.fastq

""".. Line to protect from pydocstyle D205, D400.


Reading and writting `FASTQ`_ files.
import os

import iCount

    'S': 33,
    'X': 64,
    'I': 64,
    'J': 64,
    'L': 33,

[docs]def get_qual_encoding(fname): """ Read first few records and determine quality encoding in FASTQ file. See format description: `` S - Sanger Phred+33, raw reads typically (0, 40) [33..73] X - Solexa Solexa+64, raw reads typically (-5, 40) [59..104] I - Illumina 1.3+ Phred+64, raw reads typically (0, 40) [64..104] J - Illumina 1.5+ Phred+64, raw reads typically (3, 40) [66..104] L - Illumina 1.8+ Phred+33, raw reads typically (0, 41) [33..74] """ def get_encoding(quals, count=0, check_count=False): """Determine encoding from quality scores range.""" minq, maxq = ord(min(quals)), ord(max(quals)) if minq < 59: if maxq > 73: return 'L' else: return 'S' elif 59 <= minq < 64 and maxq > 74: return 'X' elif minq >= 64 and maxq > 74: if (check_count and count > 10000) or not check_count: if minq < 66: return 'I' else: return 'J' quals = set() for count, read in enumerate(FastqFile(fname).read()): quals.update(set(read.qual)) if count % 10000 == 0: encoding = get_encoding(quals, count, check_count=True) if encoding: return encoding encoding = get_encoding(quals, check_count=False) return encoding
[docs]class FastqEntry: """Single FASTQ entry.""" def __init__(self, id, seq, plus, qual): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Initialize attributes.""" = str(id).split(' ')[0] # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.seq = str(seq) = str(plus) self.qual = str(qual) def __repr__(self): """Represent object.""" return
[docs]class FastqFile: """Write FASTQ files.""" def __init__(self, fname, mode='rt'): """Open file handle in desired mode.""" self.fname = fname if 'r' in mode and not os.path.isfile(fname): self.file = None raise FileNotFoundError('File not found.') self.file = iCount.files.gz_open(fname, mode) def __del__(self): """Close file.""" self.close()
[docs] def read(self): """Read FASTQ file.""" for read_id in self.file: read_seq = next(self.file).rstrip('\n') read_plus = next(self.file).rstrip('\n') read_qual = next(self.file).rstrip('\n') yield FastqEntry(read_id.rstrip('\n'), read_seq, read_plus, read_qual)
[docs] def write(self, fq_entry): """Write single FASTQ entry.""" content = [, fq_entry.seq,, fq_entry.qual] self.file.write('\n'.join(map(str, content)) + '\n')
[docs] def close(self): """Close file if it is stil open.""" if self.file and not self.file.closed: self.file.close()