Source code for iCount.cli

""".. Line to protect from pydocstyle D205, D400.

Automated CLI creation

This module offers CLI to iCount Python package. To separate Python
package from CLI and to avoid code and docstring duplication, CLI commands are
semi-automatically created from functions that already exist in the package.
For this automation to work, some rules need to respected when writing functions
that are later exposed to CLI.

.. autofunction:: iCount.cli.make_parser_from_function


import re
import sys
import logging
import inspect
import argparse
import traceback
import collections

import iCount
from iCount import logger

from sphinx.ext.napoleon.docstring import NumpyDocstring

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Functions for atomated CLI generation:

def _list_str(string, separator=','):
    """Convert comma separated string to list."""
    return string.strip('{:s} \n\t'.format(separator))

    'bool': bool,
    'str': str,
    'int': int,
    'float': float,
    'list_str': _list_str,

    '--annotation': '-a',
    '--excluded_types': '-e',
    '--report_progress': '-prog',
    '--perms': '-p',
    '--group_by': '-g',
    '--out_dir': '-od',
    '--out_file': '-of',
    '--release': '-r',
    '--minimum_length': '-ml',
    '--mismatches': '-mis',
    '--rnd_seed': '-rnd',


def remove_comments(description):
    """Remove reStructuredText comment lines."""
    description = description.splitlines()
    if description:
        if description[0].startswith('..'):
            description = description[1:]
    while description and description[0].strip() == '':

    return '\n'.join(description)

def _format_defaults(value):
    Format value to CLI syntax.

    Example usage: if default value of a parameter is ['gene'], the description
    in CLI would be::

        (default: ['gene'])

    After using this function the description is tailored to CLI usage::

        (default: gene)
    if isinstance(value, list):
        return ' '.join(value)
        return value

def _extract_parameter_data(function):
    Extract name, type, description, etc. of each parameter in ``function``.

    The returned object should have the form::

        data = {
            'param1': {
                name = 'param1',
                type = 'str',
                help = 'The first parameter. Just for demo.',
            'param2': {
                name = '--param2',
                type = 'int',
                help = 'Some optional input number...',

    Every parameter in returned object can have the following entries:

        * name - the name of parameter, preceeded by '--' if it is optional
        * default - the default value (only for optional parameters). Extracted
          from function signature.
        * type - type of parameter, extracted from function docstring. If not
          set, it is assumed to be str.
        * help - parameter description, extracted from function docstring. If
          not found, set to 'No description'

    # Use OrderedDict to keep the order of parameters
    data = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Get function docstring and convert from Numpy to rst docstring style:
    function_docstring_ = str(NumpyDocstring(inspect.getdoc(function))) or ''
    # When converting from NumpyDocstring to rst format, mutiline parameter
    # descriptions are indented with spaces. Remove such indentation:
    function_docstring = re.sub(r'\ {2,}', '', function_docstring_)

    # Extract parameter name and default value:
    params = [(key, par.default) for key, par in inspect.signature(function).parameters.items()]
    for param, default in params:
        # if default value is not empty, it is a optional parameter:
        if default != inspect._empty:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            data[param] = {'name': '--' + param, 'default': default, 'metavar': ''}
            data[param] = {'name': param}

        # Extract help (parameter description) and type from function docstring:
        regex_help = r'.*:param {}: (.+?):type .*'.format(param)
        regex_type = r'.*:type {}: (.+?)\n.*'.format(param)
        # Use DOTALL flag - this way r'.' also matches newline characters:
        match_help = re.match(regex_help, function_docstring, flags=re.DOTALL)
        match_type = re.match(regex_type, function_docstring, flags=re.DOTALL)

        if match_help and match_type:
            param_type =
            if param_type not in VALID_TYPES:
                raise ValueError('Invalid type {} in function {}'.format(
                    param_type, function.__name__))
            data[param]['type'] = VALID_TYPES[param_type]
            data[param]['help'] ='.')
            if default != inspect._empty:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                # Append default value to parameter description:
                default_value = ' (default: {})'.format(_format_defaults(default))
                data[param]['help'] += default_value

            if param_type == 'bool':
                data[param]['action'] = 'store_true'
                # If action == store_true, than `type` needs to be removed.
            if param_type == 'list_str':
                data[param]['nargs'] = '+'

            # TODO: raise ValueError or just make some arbitrary description?
            # raise ValueError("Bad docstring for parameter {}.".format(param))
            data[param]['help'] = 'No description'

    return data

[docs]def make_parser_from_function(function, subparsers, module=None, only_func=False): """ Make a argparse parser from ``function`` and add it to ``subparsers``. A Python function is exposed in CLI by calling ``make_parser_from_function``. Example call for exposing function ```` that makes peaks analysis:: make_parser_from_function(, subparsers) What happens is such call? * CLI command ``iCount peaks`` is created, with description, positional and optional arguments exactly the same as the ones defined in function. * name of the command (peaks) equals to the name of the module where function is defined. * CLI help message is sourced from module's docstring * Positional and optional arguments (and default values) are sourced from function signature * Help text for each of the arguments is sourced from function docstring. For this to work functions needs to follow Nummpy docstring formatting. All parameters should have meaningful description. All parameters should also have type equal to one of the keys in VALID_TYPES. * When function is executed, stdout logger with level INFO is registerd. This prints descriptive messages to CL. Function should therefore log its inputs (use iCount.logger.log_inputs function), outputs and most important steps. If there are no errors/execptions command exits with 0 exit status code. * If error/exception occurs, is it caught and stack is printed to logger with ERROR level. Also, failed CLI command has status code 1. * CLI exposed function should return Metric object that is instance of iCount.metrics.Metric class. Function should set descriptive attributes to the Metric object for analysis results and analysis tatistics for inter-experimetal comparison. * Each command also gets these additional arguments: * ``--stdout_log`` - Threshold value (0-50) for logging to stdout. If 0 logging to stdout if turned OFF. * ``--file_log`` - Threshold value (0-50) for logging to file. If 0 logging to stdout if turned OFF. * ``--file_logpath`` - Path to log file. * ``--results_file`` - File into which to store Metrics (result object). * ``--help`` - Help message fot a command They control the level and location of log inputs as well as string the result objects. Exceptional cases: * In some cases function that performs the work is only *imported* in the correct module ("exposed module"), but the actual function definition is located somewhere else ("source module"). It that case, one can use ``module`` parameter with "source module" value. In this case, the command name and CLI docstring will be defined from "exposed module" but function, default values and parameter descriptions will be sourced from "source module". * In some cases, there will be more CLI exposed functions in the same module. In such case, use set ``only_func`` parameter to ``True``. This will use function name for CLI command name and use function docstring (form beginning until "Parameters" section) for CLI help message. """ if module: # Command name is determined from module name: name = module.__name__.split('.')[-1] # Description is determined from module docstring: description = inspect.getdoc(module) description = remove_comments(description) description = '\n'.join(description.split('\n')[3:]) elif only_func: # If only_func=True than name of the command equals function name name = function.__name__ # Take only the docstring until the 'Parameters' section: desc = inspect.getdoc(function).split('\n') idx = [i for i, d in enumerate(desc) if d == 'Parameters' or d == 'Returns'][0] description = '\n'.join(desc[:idx]) description = remove_comments(description) else: # Command name is determined from module name: name = inspect.getmodule(function).__name__.split('.')[-1] # Description is determined from module docstring: description = inspect.getdoc(inspect.getmodule(function)) description = remove_comments(description) description = '\n'.join(description.split('\n')[3:]) if not description: description = 'No description provided.' # Short description is determined from first line of module docstring: short_description = description.split('\n')[0] parser = subparsers.add_parser( name, description=description, help=short_description, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter # ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter ) # Add each of the function parameter as CLI argument: params = _extract_parameter_data(function) for values in params.values(): param_name = values.pop('name') # provide short name for parameter, if it exists: if param_name in SHORT_OPTARG_NAMES: parser.add_argument(SHORT_OPTARG_NAMES[param_name], param_name, **values) else: parser.add_argument(param_name, **values) # Also write the parameter to comtainer PARAMETERS: PARAMETERS.setdefault(param_name, []).append(name) parser.add_argument('-S', '--stdout_log', default=logging.INFO, type=int, metavar='', help='Threshold value (0-50) for logging to stdout. If 0,' ' logging to stdout if turned OFF.') parser.add_argument('-F', '--file_log', default=0, type=int, metavar='', help='Threshold value (0-50) for logging to file. If 0,' ' logging to file if turned OFF.') parser.add_argument('-P', '--file_logpath', default=None, type=str, metavar='', help="Path to log file.") parser.add_argument('-M', '--results_file', default=None, type=argparse.FileType('wt'), metavar='', help="File into which to store Metrics.") # Connect parser with function to execute: parser.set_defaults(func=function)
# ######################################################################### # ######################################################################### def main(): """ Main. TODO """ ##################### # Define root parser: ##################### root_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=remove_comments(inspect.getdoc(iCount)).split('\n..')[0], formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter # ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) # Parser (general) arguments root_parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=iCount.__version__) subparsers = root_parser.add_subparsers(title='Commands', metavar=' ') ################## # Define commands: ################## # Genomes: make_parser_from_function( iCount.genomes.ensembl.releases, subparsers, only_func=True) make_parser_from_function( iCount.genomes.ensembl.species, subparsers, only_func=True) make_parser_from_function( iCount.genomes.ensembl.annotation, subparsers, only_func=True) make_parser_from_function( iCount.genomes.ensembl.genome, subparsers, only_func=True) make_parser_from_function( iCount.genomes.segment.get_regions, subparsers) # Demultiplex and mapping: make_parser_from_function(, subparsers) make_parser_from_function(, subparsers) make_parser_from_function(, subparsers, module=iCount.mapping.indexstar) make_parser_from_function(, subparsers, module=iCount.mapping.mapstar) make_parser_from_function(, subparsers) # Analysis: make_parser_from_function( iCount.analysis.annotate.annotate_cross_links, subparsers) make_parser_from_function(, subparsers) make_parser_from_function(, subparsers, make_parser_from_function(, subparsers) make_parser_from_function(, subparsers) make_parser_from_function( iCount.analysis.summary.make_summary_report, subparsers) # Examples: make_parser_from_function(, subparsers) def verbose_help(mode): """Print help text for all available CLI commands.""" if mode == 'txt': print(root_parser.format_help() + '\n') # pylint: disable=protected-access for name, parser in root_parser._action_groups[2]._actions[2].choices.items(): if name == 'man': continue print(name) print('=' * len(name) + '\n') print(parser.format_help() + '\n') else: raise NotImplementedError('"{}" not supported.'.format(mode)) # Add the man command: parser = subparsers.add_parser('man', help='Print help for all commands.') parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, default='txt', metavar='') parser.set_defaults(func=verbose_help) # all_args command: def all_args(): """Print all posssible parameter names and CLI commands where they are used.""" for param_name, commands in sorted(PARAMETERS.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].lstrip('-')): if param_name in SHORT_OPTARG_NAMES: short_name = ' ({})'.format(SHORT_OPTARG_NAMES[param_name]) else: short_name = '' print('{}{}: {}'.format(param_name, short_name, ', '.join(commands))) parser = subparsers.add_parser('args', help='Print arguments form all CLI commands.') parser.set_defaults(func=all_args) ############################# # Parse and execute commands: ############################# # Parse agrs and run: parsed_args = root_parser.parse_args() if not vars(parsed_args): root_parser.print_help() root_parser.exit(1) try: args = vars(parsed_args) func = args.pop('func') # Stdout logger stdout_loglevel = args.pop('stdout_log', 20) is_on = not stdout_loglevel == 0 logger.log_to_stdout(is_on=is_on, level=stdout_loglevel) # File logger file_loglevel = args.pop('file_log', 0) file_logpath = args.pop('file_logpath', None) is_on = all([file_loglevel, file_logpath]) logger.log_to_file(is_on=is_on, level=file_loglevel, path=file_logpath) # Switch to output results to a file: results_file = args.pop('results_file', None) # Execute the wrapped function: command = 'iCount ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])"Executing the following command: %s", command) result_object = func(**args) # Save results to results_file. If not given, don't do anything (don't print the result!) if results_file: print(result_object, file=results_file) sys.exit(0) except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except exception_message = exception.args[0] exception_type = exception.__class__.__name__ LOGGER.error('[%s] %s', exception_type, exception_message) for line in traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_tb(exception.__traceback__)): LOGGER.error(line) sys.exit(1)