Source code for iCount.analysis.rnamaps

""".. Line to protect from pydocstyle D205, D400.

RNA maps

Distribution of cross-links relative to genomic landmarks.

What is an RNA-map?

Imagine the following situation (on positive strand)::


Situation is simple: a read perfectly maps to reference genome. First cross-link
(nucletide before the start of read R1) is located 2 nucleotides before
landmark of type 'exon-intron'. By examining all cross-links(reads) that are
located in vicinity of landmarks one can obtain the distribution of
cross-link-to-landmark distances. Such distibution is called an RNA map.

Of course, situation gets complicated. Real-world-situation more likely looks
like this::


             x|R2.1->          <--R2.2-|

All sort of situations can arise:

    * read can intersect with multiple genes/transcripts/segments
      simultaneously, which means that one read is relevant for different types
      of RNA maps.
    * if whole read is mapped to one segment (as is read R3 on transcript2),
      then it is impossible to tell the type of RNA map it belongs to: is it
      CDS-intron or intron-CDS?
    * read can be mapped in multiple parts - for example when introns are
      removed before translation, first half of read will map to ``exon1`` and
      second half to ``exon2``.
    * same cross-link event can be represented by multiple reads with same
      random barcode.
    * ...

The algorithm takes care for all of this, as explained below. It outputs a file,
that looks like this::

    rna_map_type    position    all     explicit
    exon-intron     42          13      14
    exon-intron     43          123     19
    exon-intron     44          56      16
    intron-CDS      23474       34      2
    intron-CDS      23475       85      65
    intron-CDS      23476       92      1

Each line consits of four columns: RNA map type, position, all and explicit. RNA
map type defines the landmark type, while position defines relative distance of
cross-links to this landmark. All and explicit are counting number of crosslinks
that are ``positions`` away from landmark of type RNA map type. Cross link is
explicit, if read identifying cross-link is mapped to both parts of RNA-map. In
upper example, R1 is explicit, since it maps to intron *and* exon. Read R3 on
transcript2 is implicit, since one has to decide wheather it's cross-link
belongs to ``CDS-intron`` or ``intron-CDS`` RNA map. The term *all* means
explicit + implicit in this context.

If read is implicit (start and stop within same segment), one can choose two
varinats of the algorithm. One option is that whole score of read is given to
RNA-map of the *closest* landmark. Other option is to *split* score on half to
both neighbouring segments. This behaviour is controlled by parameter

There are also two cases when a read can map in a way that is not predicted by

    * For split reads, second start can fall on nucleotide that is not start of
      a new segment. This behaviour is excactly the same as in xlsites analysis.
      Such reads are reported in file defined with ``strange`` parameter.
    * Reads that map on two different transcripts or even two different genes
      are repoted in file with name defined in cross_transcript.


Things that still need to be resolved:

    * negative strand inspection:
        * for each ss_group, take annotation from reverse strand and check what
          is the situation on other side.
        * What si again the bio-contxt here - explain in docs...?
    * Test: Each cross-link should have the same cDNA count as in xlsites
      results. The final check should be: sum all scores - the result should be
      the same as for xlsites. Actually, the metrics.cross_transcript should
      also be considered:
      assert: sum(xlsites scores) == sum(RNAmaps "all" + metrics.cross_transc)
    * if read crosses two ore more regions from start to end, only end-type is
      considered for RNAmap type. Should we fix this and which region type to
      take? Since reads are tpyically much shorted than regions, this is
      probably a rare case.


Wishes and ideas(Jernej, Tomaz):

    * The whole idea is to get a feeling what is happening around landmarks

    * separate pre-mRNA and mRNA [this is partially done in _add_entry]
        * Life cyle of RNA: part of DNA in transcribed to RNA in nucleus. Introns
          are cut out already between this process! Really???
        * pre-mRNA contains introns, mature mRNA has no introns and goes outside
          from the nucleus.
        * so: RNAmap exon-intron will for sure contain only pre-mRNA, but RNAmap
          exon-exon can contain pre-mRNA and mRNA... It would be really nice to
          report on percentage of theese two categories.
        * This can be done by introducing three categories:  pre-mRNa, mRNA and
          undecided. This can be determined from results - they contain explicit /
          implicit info and RNAmap type:

    * Intoduce three categories (colors in visualisation?) in every RNAmap type.
      Let's take exon-intron as example:

        * whole read in left part - color #1 (negative coord, implicit)
        * whole read in right part - color #2 (positive coord, implicit)
        * read crossing junction - color #3 (explicit)

    * How to handle situation when one region in individual's sequence clearly
      differs from reference sequence but it is just some variation?

        * Change the reference sequence? This can be complex... Make a helper
          tool for this?
        * Provide additional data in function - which exceptions /abnormalities
          to ignore?

    * Gaussian smooting of RNAmaps?

    * split read - it can differ also on "first-stop", not juts second-start
        * we could have some sort of quality check when observing the variance
          of first-stop-s. THe major question is: "Do all reads for certain
          xlink event indicate the same behaviour?"

import logging

import pybedtools
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

import iCount  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from iCount.files import _f2s  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

EXON_TYPES = ['CDS', 'ncRNA', 'UTR3', 'UTR5']
RNA_WINDOW_SIZE = 2000  # TODO: rethink how this constant would affect lengths in RNAmap generation

def _add_entry(start_type, stop_type, distance, score, strand, data, metrics, explict=False):
    """Add RNA-map entry in ``data``."""
    if strand == '+':
        rna_map_type = start_type + '-' + stop_type
        rna_map_type = stop_type + '-' + start_type
        distance = -distance

    data.setdefault(rna_map_type, {}).setdefault(distance, [0, 0])[0] += score
    if explict:
        data.setdefault(rna_map_type, {}).setdefault(distance, [0, 0])[1] += score

    # Increment also mRNA / pre-mRNa counters:
    if 'intron' in rna_map_type or 'intergenic' in rna_map_type:
        metrics.origin_premrna += score
    elif start_type in EXON_TYPES and stop_type in EXON_TYPES:
        metrics.origin_mrna += score
        metrics.origin_ambiguous += score

def _process_read_group(xlink, chrom, strand, read, data, segmentation, metrics,
    Process each read group.

    Each group is represented by read. It has a fixed xlink, start, second-start
    and end position. This function finds all landmarks that this read is
    overlapping. It also determines for each of them:

        * type of RNA map (+ explicit/implicit)
        * relative position to landmark
        * score that belongs to each intersection

    Note#1: ``segmentation`` contains just the genes that span over cross-link
    position (+ one before and one after). It has the following shape::

        segmentation = {
            gene_id#1: {
                'gene_segment': gene_segment,
                transcript_id#1: [transcript_segment, exon1, intron1, exon2, ...],
                transcript_id#2: [transcript_segment, exon1, intron1, exon2, ...],
            gene_id#2: {},

    Note#2: ``read`` is a tuple with the following content::

        read_data = (middle_pos, end_pos, read_len, num_mapped, second_start)

    stop = read[1]  # stop is in second column
    start = xlink + (1 if strand == '+' else - 1)

    # Find transcripts that contain start or stop:
    containing_start, containing_stop = {}, {}
    for _, gene_content in segmentation:
        for transcript_id, transcript_content in gene_content.items():
            if transcript_id == 'gene_segment':

            transcript_segment = transcript_content[0]
            if transcript_segment.start <= start <= transcript_segment.stop:
                containing_start[transcript_id] = transcript_content
            if transcript_segment.start <= stop <= transcript_segment.stop:
                containing_stop[transcript_id] = transcript_content

    # Find transcripts that contain both: start and stop of the read:
    containing_both = set(containing_start.keys()) & set(containing_stop.keys())
    if containing_both:
        relevant_transcripts = dict(
            [trs for _, gcnt in segmentation for trs in gcnt.items() if trs[0] in containing_both])

    # If algorithm gets here, there are NO transcripts that contin start and
    # stop of the read. There are two remaining options that do not violate
    # segmentation: 'intergenic-transcript' or 'transcript-intergenic'

    # 'intergenic-transcript' RNA map type:
    elif len(containing_start) == 1 and list(containing_start.values())[0][0][2] == 'intergenic':
        tr_score = 1 / len(containing_stop)
        for transcript_id, transcript_content in containing_stop.items():
            # transcript_content is sorted and transcript segment is the first
            # element. This is ensured by _prepare_segmentation. Stop segment
            # shoud then be the second element in the transcript_content:
            stop_segment = transcript_content[1]
            start_type = 'intergenic'
            stop_type = stop_segment[2]
            rel_dist = xlink - stop_segment.start
                start_type, stop_type, rel_dist, tr_score, strand, data, metrics, explict=True)

        return  # skip the rest of the algorithm

    # 'transcript-intergenic' RNA map type:
    elif len(containing_stop) == 1 and list(containing_stop.values())[0][0][2] == 'intergenic':
        tr_score = 1 / len(containing_start)
        for transcript_id, transcript_content in containing_start.items():
            start_segment_index = next(
                (i for i, segment in enumerate(transcript_content) if
                 segment.start <= start <= segment.stop and segment[2] != 'transcript'))
            start_type = transcript_content[start_segment_index][2]
            stop_type = 'intergenic'
            rel_dist = xlink - transcript_content[start_segment_index].stop
                start_type, stop_type, rel_dist, tr_score, strand, data, metrics, explict=True)

        return  # skip the rest of the algorithm

    # This read has mapped in way that is not predicted by segmentation: it should be reported:
        # TODO: Ideally, this would produce a BAM file with such reads... but
        # read instance from all BAM related info is far back in
        # _processs_bam_file function... For now:
        metrics.cross_transcript += 1
        data.setdefault('cross_transcript', {}). \
            setdefault((chrom, strand, xlink), []).append(read)

    # ###################################################

    # Note that only "containing_both" scenario reaches this point.

    tr_score = 1 / len(relevant_transcripts)
    relevant_transcripts = sorted(relevant_transcripts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0].start)
    for transcript_id, transcript_content in relevant_transcripts:
        transcript_content = [s for s in transcript_content if s[2] != 'transcript']
        start_segment_index = next((i for i, segment in enumerate(transcript_content)
                                    if segment.start <= start <= segment.stop))
        stop_segment_index = next((i for i, segment in enumerate(transcript_content)
                                   if segment.start <= stop <= segment.stop))

        # Explicit case: this is easy
        if start_segment_index != stop_segment_index:
            start_type = transcript_content[start_segment_index][2]
            stop_type = transcript_content[stop_segment_index][2]
            rel_dist = xlink - transcript_content[stop_segment_index].start
                start_type, stop_type, rel_dist, tr_score, strand, data, metrics, explict=True)

        # Implicit case: this can be tricky...
            # Container for all options of RNA map type:
            options = []

            segment = transcript_content[start_segment_index]
            rel_dist_down = xlink - segment.start
            rel_dist_up = xlink - segment.stop
            # Note: segment_n.stop == segment_n+1.start

            # ###################################################

            # Handle downstream
            if start_segment_index != 0:
                start_type = transcript_content[start_segment_index - 1][2]
                options.append([start_type, segment[2], rel_dist_down])
                # Gene beefore start (downstream) is the first entry in segmentation:
                gene_down = segmentation[0][1]['gene_segment']
                # this segment OR the downstream gene has to be intergenic for
                # this to be OK with segmentation:
                if 'intergenic' in [gene_down[2], segment[2]] and gene_down.stop == segment.start:
                    trs_down = [tr_cnt for tr_id, tr_cnt in segmentation[0][1].items() if
                                tr_id != 'gene_segment' and tr_cnt[0].stop == segment.start]
                    for tr_cnt in trs_down:
                        seg_down = next((seg for seg in tr_cnt if seg.stop == segment.start and
                                         seg[2] != 'transcript'))
                        options.append([seg_down[2], segment[2], rel_dist_down])
                    # Transcript-transscript scenario - not allowed. (no appends to options)
                    # TODO: Should be error anywax, such cases should be filtered
                    # before, when checking ``containing_both``

            # ###################################################

            # Handle upstream: (similar to downstream)
            if stop_segment_index != len(transcript_content) - 1:
                stop_type = transcript_content[start_segment_index + 1][2]
                options.append([segment[2], stop_type, rel_dist_up])
                gene_up = segmentation[-1][1]['gene_segment']
                if 'intergenic' in [gene_up[2], segment[2]] and gene_up.start == segment.stop:
                    trs_up = [tr_cnt for tr_id, tr_cnt in segmentation[-1][1].items() if
                              tr_id != 'gene_segment' and tr_cnt[0].start == segment.stop]
                    for tr_cnt in trs_up:
                        seg_up = next((seg for seg in tr_cnt if seg.start == segment.stop and
                                       seg[2] != 'transcript'))
                        options.append([segment[2], seg_up[2], rel_dist_up])

            # ###################################################

            # Handle also exons (if segment type is exon and introns are removed
            # there is possibility that rna map is also of exon-exon type):
            if segment[2] in EXON_TYPES:
                exon_number = int(segment.attrs['exon_number'])
                exon_before = next((s for s in transcript_content if 'exon_number' in s.attrs and
                                    int(s.attrs['exon_number']) == exon_number - 1), None)
                exon_after = next((s for s in transcript_content if 'exon_number' in s.attrs and
                                   int(s.attrs['exon_number']) == exon_number + 1), None)
                if exon_before:
                    options.append([exon_before[2], segment[2], rel_dist_down])
                if exon_after:
                    options.append([segment[2], exon_after[2], rel_dist_up])

            # ###################################################

            if implicit_handling == 'closest':
                # Compute minimal distance from border:
                min_dist = options[0][2]
                for _, _, dist in options:
                    if abs(dist) < abs(min_dist):
                        min_dist = dist

                # Take all options that are on minimal absolute distance:
                options = [i for i in options if i[2] == min_dist]

            # Write entries in options to ``data``:
            final_score = tr_score / len(options)
            for start_type, stop_type, rel_dist in options:
                _add_entry(start_type, stop_type, rel_dist, final_score, strand, data, metrics)

[docs]def run(bam, segmentation, out_file, strange, cross_transcript, implicit_handling='closest', mismatches=2, mapq_th=0, holesize_th=4): """ Compute distribution of cross-links relative to genomic landmarks. Parameters ---------- bam : str BAM file with alligned reads. segmentation : str GTF file with segmentation. Should be a file produced by function `get_regions`. out_file : str Output file with analysis results. strange : str File with strange propertieas obtained when processing bam file. cross_transcript : str File with reads spanning over multiple transcripts or multiple genes. implicit_handling : str Can be 'closest' or 'split'. In case of implicit read - split score to both neighbours or give it just to the closest neighbour. mismatches : int Reads on same position with random barcode differing less than ``mismatches`` are grouped together. mapq_th : int Ignore hits with MAPQ < mapq_th. holesize_th : int Raeads with size of holes less than holesize_th are treted as if they would have no holes. Returns ------- str File with number of (al, explicit) scores per each position in each RNA-map type. """ iCount.logger.log_inputs(LOGGER) if implicit_handling not in ('closest', 'split'): raise ValueError( 'Parameter implicit_handling should be one of "closest" or "split"') metrics = iCount.Metrics() metrics.cross_transcript = 0 metrics.origin_premrna = 0 metrics.origin_mrna = 0 metrics.origin_ambiguous = 0 # The root container: data = {} progress = 0'Processing data...') # pylint: disable=protected-access for (chrom, strand), new_progress, by_pos in iCount.mapping.xlsites._processs_bam_file( bam, metrics, mapq_th, strange, segmentation=segmentation, gap_th=holesize_th): # pylint: disable=protected-access progress = iCount._log_progress(new_progress, progress, LOGGER) # Sort all genes (and intergenic) by start coordinate. segmentation_sorted = sorted( iCount.genomes.segment._prepare_segmentation(segmentation, chrom).items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['gene_segment'].start) seg_max_index = len(segmentation_sorted) - 1 start_gene_index, stop_gene_index = 0, seg_max_index for xlink_pos, by_bc in sorted(by_pos.items()): # pylint: disable=protected-access iCount.mapping.xlsites._merge_similar_randomers(by_bc, mismatches) # by_bc is modified in place in _merge_similar_randomers # reads is a list of reads belonging to given barcode in by_bc for reads in by_bc.values(): ss_groups = {} for read in reads: # Define second start groups: ss_groups.setdefault(read[4], []).append(read) # Process each second start group: for ss_group in ss_groups.values(): # The following block extracts just the required genes (& gene_content) # without iterating through all genes/content in chromosome. # Sort reads by length and take the longest one (read_len is 3rd column)! ss_group = sorted(ss_group, key=lambda x: (-x[2])) stop = ss_group[0][1] start = xlink_pos segmentation_subset = [] passed_start = False # Weather the start_gene_index was aready found. for gene_item in segmentation_sorted[start_gene_index:]: gene_segment = gene_item[1]['gene_segment'] if gene_segment.start <= start <= gene_segment.stop: start_gene_index = segmentation_sorted.index(gene_item) passed_start = True if passed_start: segmentation_subset.append(gene_item) if gene_segment.start <= stop <= gene_segment.stop: stop_gene_index = segmentation_sorted.index(gene_item) # Append also one gene before (insert on first position to keep sorted) segmentation_subset.insert( 0, segmentation_sorted[max(start_gene_index - 1, 0)]) # Append also one gene after: segmentation_subset.append( segmentation_sorted[min(stop_gene_index + 1, seg_max_index)]) break # Even if entries repeat, this is still OK, sice # first and last gene neeed to be the ones not including # start/stop! # segmentation_subset is defined. Now process this group: _process_read_group( xlink_pos, chrom, strand, ss_group[0], data, segmentation_subset, metrics, implicit_handling=implicit_handling)'Writing output files...') header = ['RNAmap type', 'position', 'all', 'explicit'] cross_tr_header = ['chrom', 'strand', 'xlink', 'second-start', 'end-position', 'read_len'] with open(out_file, 'wt') as ofile, open(cross_transcript, 'wt') as ctfile: ofile.write('\t'.join(header) + '\n') ctfile.write('\t'.join(cross_tr_header) + '\n') for rna_map_type, positions in sorted(data.items()): if rna_map_type == 'cross_transcript': for (chrom, strand, xlink), read_list in positions.items(): for (_, end, read_len, _, second_start) in read_list: ctfile.write('\t'.join(map( str, [chrom, strand, xlink, second_start, end, read_len])) + '\n') else: for position, [all_, explic] in sorted(positions.items()): # Round to 4 decimal places with _f2s function: all_, explic = _f2s(all_, dec=4), _f2s(explic, dec=4) ofile.write('\t'.join([rna_map_type, str(position), all_, explic]) + '\n')'RNA-maps output written to: %s', out_file)'Reads spanning multiple transcripts written to: %s', cross_transcript)'Done.') return metrics
[docs]def make_normalization(segmentation, normalization): """ Make normalization file for RNAmaps (for given segmentation). Parameters ---------- segmentation : str Segmentation file. normalization : str Output txt file with normalization. Returns ------- str Path to file with normalizations. """ iCount.logger.log_inputs(LOGGER) data = {} # Container for normalization data def add_entry(start_type, stop_type, start_len, stop_len, strand): """Add normalization entry in ``data``.""" if strand == '-': start_type, stop_type = stop_type, start_type start_len, stop_len = stop_len, start_len # Cut long segments to some managable size: start_len = start_len if start_len < RNA_WINDOW_SIZE else RNA_WINDOW_SIZE stop_len = stop_len if stop_len < RNA_WINDOW_SIZE else RNA_WINDOW_SIZE rna_map_type = '{}-{}'.format(start_type, stop_type) # Left side: segments = data.setdefault(rna_map_type, {}).setdefault(-start_len, 0) data[rna_map_type][-start_len] = segments + 1 # Right side: segments = data.setdefault(rna_map_type, {}).setdefault(stop_len - 1, 0) data[rna_map_type][stop_len - 1] = segments + 1'Reading segmentation to internal format...') # pylint: disable=protected-access chroms = set() for segment in pybedtools.BedTool(segmentation): chroms.add(segment.chrom) chroms_strands = [(chrom, strand) for chrom in chroms for strand in ('+', '-')] for (chrom, strand) in chroms_strands: LOGGER.debug("Processing chromosome %s...", chrom) last_intergenic = None # Store last intergenic segment. last_segments = [] # Store segments with highest stop coordinate (can be more of them). chrom_content = iCount.genomes.segment._prepare_segmentation( segmentation, chrom, strand=strand) # Iter through all genes in given chromosome/strand sorted by start position: for gene_content in sorted(chrom_content.values(), key=lambda x: x['gene_segment'].start): gene_segment = gene_content.pop('gene_segment') # In case, intergenic region if found, add entries from all # segments that stop where intergenic starts. if gene_segment[2] == 'intergenic': last_intergenic = gene_segment for seg in last_segments: add_entry(seg[2], 'integrenic', len(seg), len(gene_segment), strand) else: # Iterate by ascending transcript coordinate: for transcript_content in sorted(gene_content.values(), key=lambda x: x[0].start): transcript_segment = transcript_content.pop(0) # Update list "last_segments", if necessary: if not last_segments or last_segments[0].stop < transcript_segment.stop: last_segments = [transcript_content[-1]] elif last_segments[0].stop == transcript_segment.stop: last_segments.append(transcript_content[-1]) # If transcript starts where intergenic ends, add also entry for this: if last_intergenic.stop == transcript_content[0].start: add_entry('integrenic', transcript_content[0][2], len(last_intergenic), len(transcript_content[0]), strand) # This is the "normal" case - add entries for all segments in transcript: for seg1, seg2 in zip(transcript_content, transcript_content[1:]): add_entry(seg1[2], seg2[2], len(seg1), len(seg2), strand) # Consider also exon-exon junctions: exons = [seg for seg in transcript_content if seg[2] in EXON_TYPES] if len(exons) > 1: for exon1, exon2 in zip(exons, exons[1:]): add_entry(exon1[2], exon2[2], len(exon1), len(exon2), strand) # Data must be transformed: Consider all segment length for normalization, not just the last # nucleotide. Example: # data_before = {-10, :1, -5: 1, 10: 2} # data_after = {-10: 1, -9: 1 ... -6: 1, -5: 2, -4: 2 ... -1: 2, 0: 2, 1: 2 ... 9: 2, 10: 2}'Flattening normalization data...') for rna_map_type, distances in data.items(): cumulative = 0 for i in range(min(distances.keys()), 0): cumulative += data[rna_map_type].get(i, 0) data[rna_map_type][i] = cumulative cumulative = 0 for i in range(max(distances.keys()) + 1)[::-1]: cumulative += data[rna_map_type].get(i, 0) data[rna_map_type][i] = cumulative # Write to file:'Writing normalization to file') with open(normalization, 'wt') as nfile: print('\t'.join(['RNAmap_type', 'distance', 'segments']), file=nfile) for rna_map_type, distances in sorted(data.items()): for distance, segments in sorted(distances.items()): print('\t'.join(map(str, [rna_map_type, distance, segments])), file=nfile)
[docs]def plot_rna_map(rnamap_file, map_type, normalization=False, outfile='show'): """Plot simple image of RNAmap.""" norm = {} if normalization: with open(normalization) as nfile: next(nfile) # skip header for line_ in nfile: type_, pos, count = line_.strip().split('\t') if type_ == map_type: norm[int(pos)] = int(count) positions, counts = [], [] with open(rnamap_file) as rfile: next(rfile) # skip header for line_ in rfile: type_, pos, count = line_.strip().split('\t') if type_ == map_type: pos, count = int(pos), int(count) if normalization: if pos not in norm: raise ValueError("Position {}, RNAmap type '{}' is not in normalization " "file.".format(pos, map_type)) count = count / norm[pos] positions.append(pos) counts.append(count) plt.plot(positions, counts, 'b') plt.plot([0, 0], [0, int(plt.ylim()[1] * 1.1)], 'k--') if outfile == 'show': else: plt.savefig(outfile)